Submit Your Prayer Request
When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.
Request Title | # Prayers | Submitted On | |
LGBTQ spiritual warfare against our kids | 4 | May 1, 2024 | Details |
Prayer Request | 3 | March 6, 2024 | Details |
Healing | 4 | April 2, 2023 | Details |
God’s will | 3 | February 5, 2023 | Details |
Please pray.. | 1 | February 5, 2023 | Details |
Prayers for a miracle | 3 | January 16, 2023 | Details |
to have our first baby together. | 4 | December 1, 2022 | Details |
Finances | 2 | September 24, 2022 | Details |
To have our first baby | 4 | March 29, 2022 | Details |
Please pray | 3 | October 12, 2021 | Details |
About my Marrage | 6 | June 18, 2021 | Details |
LGBTQ spiritual warfare against our kids
"We humbly request your prayers for breaking the worldly LGBTQ stronghold on our children; Sam Flynn, mentally & hormonally transitioning from male to female. M. H. & E. B., both practicing homosexuality. All were raised in Bible teaching, church going, Christian homes. By God’s grace the seeds of Truth were planted, we beseech Him for those seeds to take root. In you, our siblings in Christ, reside the promises of God: 1 Peter 3:12 “For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer,”
Christians know there aren’t coincidences. Millions are caught in the LGBTQ lie & don’t have anyone fighting a spiritual battle on their behalf. God assigned these 3 lost souls to praying parents, blessed by wisdom to seek God honoring Acts 2:42 churches like yours: “They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” For our encouragement & yours: Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. God bless your church!"
Prayer Request
Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom's boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially so I can pay all bills and not have to worry about paying future bills. ... Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon.,I've been praying for a life partner for 29 years...In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen
Please pray for total healing for my daughter Jessica from brain injury and severe pain in her legs also please pray for our housing situation. Thank you
God’s will
Please, pray the following for us(Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak, Tan-ae, and you).
1. Jesus, please send us your word directly and quickly fulfill your will. May our personal desires and actions all be aligned with your will.
2. Jesus said that no one can come to the Father except through him. Also, no one knows the Father except anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. God's son Jesus, we ask that you designate us all as those who directly reveal the Father God, and give each of us your presence, so that we may know the Father God. As a result, we all hope to achieve true repentance and become one with the Father God to achieve completeness.
3. King Jesus, please let your kingdom quickly rule over us all. May we keep your commandments and soon dwell together with all of us.
4. Cast out the evil spirits from us directly with your Holy Spirit, and share with us what we have been robbed of.
Please pray..
Please, pray the following for us(Ha-young, Ye-young, Ui-seop, Jung-won, Hye-ok, Yul-bin, Suzy, Eun-tae, In-sook, Im-hak, Tan-ae, and you)
Jesus, forgive our sins and grant us the true freedom you promised. Remove all blinders from our eyes, which you have called the lamp of our bodies, so that when our eyes are clear, our whole body will be filled with light, according to your word.
Jesus, even if we stubbornly follow you, no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me should draw them, and just as you said, I will raise them up. All our efforts are in vain if God does not work in us.
In John 5:44, it is said, "How can you believe when you receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?" Lord Jesus, we pray that you would give us all the glory that comes from the only true God, not from mere humans. The glory that the Father, who has loved the Son from the beginning, has given to him.
May God grant us faith (emunah) and keep us steadfast, so that we may not waver. May he soon bestow upon us the kingdom and enable us to live, so that we may give praise for all that God has done for us.
Prayers for a miracle
Prayers for a miracle, protection from heavier doses of chemo, good news, and to uplift my son in law, Joshua dale Watson’s mood and health… he is fighting brain cancer tumor. He is a husband and has four small children. Josh is 40 years old and has just found out his mom has stage 3 ovarian cancer.
to have our first baby together.
please pray for my husband and I to have our first baby together. I cannot have a baby because I only have one fallopian tube open and I do not ovulate on a regular basis
Please pray for sleep at night and full time employment soon
I am not getting interviews
To have our first baby
Please pray for my husband and I to have our first baby together I have only one fallopian tube open and I do not ovulate on a regular basis
Please pray
[We read] In KJV, Ezekiel 22:30: "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."
O God, please help us and teach us to build a wall [of prayer] around the USA, Canada, Poland, European Union and United Kingdom. Are you ready to stand in the gap, where God is the Helper and Teacher?
Dear believers: we continue the good fight to the end.
Please pray that United Kingdom, European Union, Poland, the USA, Canada would overcome for: (The Acts 26.18).
* Poland and European Union, pray for freedom from dead religion to saving faith of Jesus Christ as the Saviour and the Lord by faith only,
* the Church in the USA & Canada & United Kingdom – Pray for repentance and cleansing of the church - Matt. 3.12 "Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire."
* my family:
1. Bad executives are hurting me. Please pray for God's order in that case.
2. Stir up the hearts of my family for ministry for me, my wife Dorothy, our daughters Ann and Kristin, and our sons Peter and Daniel - "..but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24.15
3. Pray for God's will, wisdom, discernment, revelation and recognition for me and my family; I ask God for Edmund’s work situation, God's direction for Edmund , Dorothy, Peter, Daniel, Ann(also God's protection and blessings over the company where she works and she needs a husband) and Kristin,
4. God's order in my work. I ask God for great wisdom at my work. Blessings and the knowledge of Jesus Christ for my bosses. Thank God for the continuation of my work.
About my Marrage
Me and my wife I love each other but through family involvement, we are separated I want God to to resolve and to bring the joy and happiness of our home
God bless you
Thank you for lifting up this request in prayer.